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The 8th of april 2024 is a very special NEW MOON. It is a solar eclipse new moon and the first new moon of the astrological year.
In anciant Mesopotamia this day was called Nisan and was the first day of a seven day long Rebirth festival called Akitu. On this day the holy masculine and the holy feminine was celebrated ritually by the king of Babylonia and the high priestess of the Ishtar temple (venus temple) having sacred intercouse called The HOlY MARRIAGE

It was done in order to secure the fertility of the land. Thus also common people would make ritual love on the fields in order to secure the fertility of the land and the love of the society. On this day the rebirth festival of Akitu started, where the king of Babylonia would embody the sun God Marduk and the high priestess would embody the goddess Istarte (in our terms called Venus, the goddes of love).
This is also astrologically celebrated by the sun (holy maculine) making intercourse with the moon (holy feminine), and impregnating the planet earth with the new season, giving food and procreating through the universal lovemaking. It is by imitating the original intercouse of Shiva and shakti or Marduk and Istarte that the universe is created, and thereby imitating the creation process on a human level.
I therefore today want to inspire all couples to engage in a beautifull sacred love-making on the first day of Nisan, new moon solar eclipse the 8th of april. If you are not with a partner you can make the ritual by embracing the sacred masculine and sacred feminine in yourself.

The ritual can be done by reading love poems to each other, acknowledging the divine in each other. Expressing gratitute for each other choosing to express all the divine qualities you see in each other. And you can ritually express all the things you want to let go of in order to start on a fresh start. When all negativities are cleared out then you open for the pure love.
You can engage in the ritual love by doing each other favours, expressing what you would like from your partner and giving it to each other as a gift as would you serve a divine being in front of you. You can be creative in order to find ways to express love, forgiveness and gratitue for each other. Making a cosy, warm setting for the love ritual.

This is a day for a new start and letting the old grudges behind.
It is also a day for humanity and the planet in general to let go of old karmic wars, killings, manipulations, mischiefs and pain we have coused one another through generations since ancient times. It is a time for forgiveness, love, erasing old karma in order for humanity to move forward and putting the intention of love, unity, peace, solving issues and creating the sacred earth we long for.

I wish you a beautifull NEW MOON solar eclipse CELEBRATION tomorrow the 8th of april. The first astrological day of the year and a new start for each and everyone and for humanity and the planet earth.
From a brother of love and light to all brothers and sisters of love and light.